In DARK, an enigmatic woman named Juana leads the making of a documentary about herself and, with the help of four men, obsessively seeks to reconstruct her story. Juana possesses a captivating innocence and her words appear as divine designs. With them as her guide, Juana and her assistants will enter an unknown place, where nothing is what it seems. Not even death.
In the staging, the spectators enter a path where reality and fiction are subverted, in the battlefield of images, noticing the perverse manipulation of them exercised by power. DARK reflects on the power of naivety, idealism, love and violence. The piece mobilizes certainties, disinhabits thoughts and articulates poetics and politics, ethics and aesthetics.
The production was supported by the National Council for Culture and the Arts, through Fondart Nacional 2016.
DIRECTION: Laurène Lemaitre and Nicolás Espinoza
GENERAL DESIGN: Lauréne Lemaitre and Colectivo Zoológico
DRAMATURGY: Juan Pablo Troncoso and Colectivo Zoológico
SET COSTRUCTION: Colectivo Zoológico
PRODUCER: Paula Pavez
PRESS: Alejandra Ibarra
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pola González
CAST: Viviana Nass, José Manuel Aguirre, José Miguel Neira, Germán Pinilla y Juan Pablo Troncoso
Centro Cultural Matucana 100 – Santiago
Teatro Sidarte – Santiago
Festival Emergentes – Mairena del A lcor – Sevilla, España
Festival Internacional Santiago Off – Santiago
Teatro Bellas Artes Universidad de Costa Rica – San José, Costa Rica
Festival de Teatro Jo·ven de Las Condes – Santiago
Teatro Municipal de Mendoza – Mendoza,Argentina