Four astronauts and a monkey embark on a space voyage, an odyssey to the new world. Their goal is to colonize a planet that will ensure the continuity of human life. A digital ark full of images accompanies them. Images that expose the great triumphs of humanity, but also reveal its defeat. Our astronauts travel with the illusion of saving what little is left of the old world. A few light years away from their destination, full of good intentions, they promise not to reproduce the mistakes of the past. What comes next is already part of a familiar story.
In this piece where time and space are folded, the audience enters with humor into the universe of science fiction, to reflect on past and future imperialisms, on utopia, idealism, violence and the tragic destiny of the humanist project.
EMPIRE is a co-production of Colectivo Zoológico (Chile), Teatro Habitado (España), and Manonegra (México) and was supported by IBERESCENA 2017 /2018. IIt was developed on an artistic residency at la Villa de l conocimiento y de las Artes, Mairena del Alcor, España.
DIRECTION: Laurene Lemaitre and Nicolás Espinoza
DRAMATURGY: Colectivo Zoológico and Teatro Habitado
GENERAL DESIGN: Laurene Lemaitre
STAGE MANAGER: José Manuel Aguirre
PRODUCTION: José Manuel Navarro y Colectivo Zoológico
CAST: Lucía Hernández, Juan José Morales, Paula Pavez,Germán Pinilla y Juan Pablo Troncoso
Previous performances
Teatro Central – Sevilla, España
Centro de investigación tea tral TNT – Sevilla, España.