In 2012, after having been kept secret for more than 30 years, the library of the National Congress declassified “Minutes No. 372-A”, where four major generals, a secretary and a young minister of labor, locked themselves for five days in an office in the Diego Portales Building, to approve in record time a new legal framework that will regulate the relationship between employers and workers, between bosses and employees.
Using their power, they will succeed in constructing an “incombustible building” that will project their legacy into the future. Inside this macabre ceremony, the spectators will become witnesses and accomplices of this “revolution”, perhaps the only revolution the country has ever seen.
The Labor Plan was the first of the “Seven Modernizations” planned by the Chicago Boys as a gateway to neoliberalism in our country, a calculated attempt to penetrate every area of social life (health, education, welfare, labor, economy).
Production supported by the National Council for Culture and the Arts, through Fondart Nacional 2015.
DIRECTION: Lauréne Lemaitre and Nicolás Espinoza
DRAMATURGY: Juan Pablo Troncoso
GENERAL DESIGN: Laurene Lemaitre
SET CONSTRUCTION: Colectivo Zoológico
PRESS: Alejandra lbarra
PHOTOGRAPHY: Pola González / Cristóbal Valenzuela
COSTUME ASSISTANT: Valentina lturieta
CAST: Viviana Nass, Raúl Ampuero,José Manuel Aguirre, Sebastián Pinto, Germán Pinilla, Juan Pablo Troncoso.
Centro Cultural Matucana 100 – Santiago
Teatro Cinema – Santiago
Festival Internacional de teatro San Joaquín – Santiago
Festival Internacional Quilicura Teatro – Santiago
Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil, Teatro UC – Santiago
Festival Escena Obrera – GAM – Santiago
Teatro Municipal de San Carlos – San Carlos
Centro Cultural Matucana 100 – Santiago
Festival de Teatro Joven de Las Condes – Santiago
Teatro Municipal de Ovalle – Ovalle
Ciclo Teatro y Memoria – Región Metropolitana
Teatro Sidarte – Santiago
Festival Internacional Santiago Off – Santiago
Teatro Municipal de Quillota – Quillota
Making off No tenemos que sacrificarnos Parte 1
Making off No tenemos que sacrificarnos Parte 2
Making off No tenemos que sacrificarnos Parte 3
Making off No tenemos que sacrificarnos Parte 4